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Information for Employers

What does running a Salary Sacrifice scheme involve?

When employees join your KiddiVouchers scheme, they choose how much of their salary they want to exchange for KiddiVouchers. You can decide how often your employees will be able to change this amount. For example, they could change it quarterly, half-yearly or annually.

Whenever an employee changes the amount of KiddiVouchers they receive, you need to amend their salary so that their total pay (ie salary plus KiddiVouchers) is unchanged.

Your regular KiddiVouchers invoice will highlight any new scheme members and any employees who have changed their voucher amount, so that your payroll adjustments are as simple as possible.

Childcare vouchers don't need to be shown on payslips, but the amount of salary which has been sacrificed should be shown. This can be done by showing the full salary with an appropriate reduction or deduction.

Salary Sacrifice schemes need to be approved by the Inland Revenue, which is normally straightforward. However, this cannot be done in advance of the scheme starting, so we suggest that you seek approval when the first employee joins your scheme. We can assist you by providing a letter for you to send to your tax office. We will also keep detailed records of the scheme which you can request a copy of at any time.

Can Salary Sacrifice schemes affect employee benefits?

Salary Sacrifice schemes can affect other benefits, such as overtime, pay rises and company pension schemes. We suggest that you retain a record of each employee's full salary (ie their reduced salary plus their KiddiVouchers). Where possible, you should ensure benefits are based on the full salary rather than the reduced salary. You may need to contact your company pension scheme trustees in order to make this minor amendment to the scheme rules.

Call us on 0800 612 9015 or click here to set up a scheme.